Visual Identity Politics and Remix Society


Huey Remixed 1969: Ten-Point Platform and Program

On February 2, 1969 in The Black Panther Paper, the cut-outs of three different version of the photograph of Huey P. Newton in a rattan chair, was published as part of the Black Panther Party Platform and Program.

The Party’s original Ten Point Program and Newton’s essay “The Functional Definition of Politics,” both published in the second issue of the Black Panther, on May 15, 1967, employed the foundational Marxist concept of “means of production.” (Bloom 2016, 311)

“[…] [I]n July 1969, […]the Panthers changed point 3 of their Ten Point Program from “We want an end to the robbery by the white man of our Black Community” to “We want an end to the robbery by the CAPITALIST of our Black Community”.”  (Bloom 2016, 300)