Visual Identity Politics and Remix Society

The construct of race

White privilege and racism – a social experiment by Jane Elliott

How do you Identify Racism_ The Angry Eye with Jane Elliott via YouTube

1001 streams of whiteness

Rachel Dolezal 

“For a white woman […] to imagine herself into a real-life black identity without any lived black experience, to turn herself into a black history professor without a history degree, to place herself at the forefront of local black society that she had adopted less than a decade earlier, all while seeming to claim to do it better and more authentically than any black person who would dare challenge her—well, it’s the ultimate “you can be anything” success story of white America […] Another branch of manifest destiny. No wonder America couldn’t get enough of the Dolezal story.”
— Ijeoma Oluo





White people

Yeni López Sleidi and Em Gee’s “Authentic Caucasians” costumes

Institutional Racism

All Lives Matter: 1800s Edition by Anthony McPherson

Institutional Racism

Quotes That Explain Racism To People Who Claim They’re Colorblind

“Racism looks like hate, but hate is just one manifestation. Privilege is another. Access is another. Ignorance is another. Apathy is another, and so on.”
—Dave Chappelle


1001 streams of whiteness

Institutional Racism

White Privilege Is Real, and Now There’s Research to Prove it

This privilege is felt in nearly every sector of society. In the workforce in employers choosing to interview candidates with “white” names over those with “ethnic” ones. […] And in the justice system, white privilege means African Americans make up 57 percent of the people in state prison for drug offenses, even though blacks and whites use drugs at similar rates and whites sell drugs at higher rates.


1001 streams of whiteness

Institutional Racism

‘Als witte Nederlander heb je bepaalde privileges’

“Het is in Nederland hoog tijd voor een scherp, breed en inhoudelijk racismedebat. Laten we de Nederlanders die de discussie over het institutioneel racisme in dit land willen aangaan daarom niet langer wegzetten als ‘zeurpieten’ of ‘radicalen’.”
— Zihni Özdil in De Volkskrant


1001 streams of whiteness


Trayvon Martin & Geroge Zimmerman

Greg Cimeno and William Filene thought it would be a good idea to dress up as Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman this Halloween, 2013.
